Nigerian Army Ranks, Salary and Symbols

In the military World ranking, the Nigerian military is ahead of Portugal, Belgium and Cuba in the world ranking and Egypt leads African military power followed closely by Algeria, South Africa and Nigeria.

A global military ranking institution, Global Fire Power (GFP), citing United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Fact book, said the country retains the first spot in global military strength. The ranking is based on population of the country, manpower/personnel strength, financial strength and military strength. There are three forces in the  Nigerian military, the Nigerian Navy, Nigerian Airforce and Nigerian Army.

The Nigerian Army (formerly Royal West African Frontier Force) was founded in 1990. They were trained by the British and also helped them to fight World War 2.

The post-colonial Nigerian Army (NA) traces its origins to 1863 when British Naval Lt. Glover established “Glover’s Hausas.” He used the small force of runaway slaves to mount expeditions to the hinterland primarily to protect British trade routes. From this humble beginning the West African Frontier Force later evolved and gave birth to the Nigerian Army.

Badges of rank of the Nigerian Army are mostly patterned after those of the British army, except that the Nigerian eagle (from the Coat of Arms) replaces the British crown on the insignia of officers of the rank of Majors and above. The Nigerian Army (NA) is the land division of the Nigerian Armed Forces and the largest among the armed forces.

The major formations include the 1st Division, the 2nd Division, the 3rd Armoured Division, 81st Division, 82nd Division, and newly formed 7th Division. Here’s the valid insight of Nigerian Army Ranks, Salaries Structure, Logo, Symbols, Functions and Code of conduct.

The Structure Of the Nigerian Army 

The structure for Nigerian Army personnel is based on their rank and years of service, with a structure that provides competitive pay compared to other military branches in Nigeria. The structure of the Nigerian Army is divided into two categories:

1. Non-Commissioned officers

The non-commissioned officers are those who have not earned a commission (a formal document that appoints one to a commissioned officer). These are categories and ranks of the non-commissioned officers in the Nigerian Army:

  • Master Warrant Officer
  • Warrant Officer
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Lance Corporal
  • Private Recruit

2. Commissioned officers

  • Field Marshal – The highest rank in the military. However, there is no written evidence that there were field marshals in the history of Nigeria. It has a five-star rank.
  • General – The highest rank that was in fact achieved by a Nigerian, four-star rank in Nigeria and ranked as nine by NATO.
  • Lieutenant General – The high commissioned officer, three-star rank in Nigeria and indicated as eight by NATO.
  • Major General – The medium commissioned officer. In Nigeria, it is ranked with two stars while NATO indicates it by seven.
  • Brigadier General – One star rank in Nigeria, NATO indicates the rank by number six.
  • Colonel – The lower lever commissioned officer by the highest field officer. NATO gives it a five.
  • Lieutenant Colonel – The deputy to Colonel. He is the field officer of the middle level with rank four from NATO.
  • Major – The lower category of the field officer. NATO indicates it by three.
  • Captain – The highest rank in the tactical troops. It is indicated by NATO as two.
  • First Lieutenant  – He is the deputy of the Captain. The immediate superior rank. NATO states it by one.
  • Second Lieutenant – He is subordinate to the First Lieutenant but has the same NATO ranking.

The Structure of the Nigerian Army Salary

The Nigerian army offers a very tangible amount of money as salary. Althogh, theres no valid information on the precise amount earned by the Nigerian army. The salary of the Nigerian army increases as they advance from one level to another. This is the estimated monthly salary of the Nigerian Army from the highest ranks to the lowest ranks:

  • General earns about – N2 million;
  • Lieutenant General earns about – N1.5 million;
  • Major General earns about – N1 million;
  • Brigadier General earns about – N900,000;
  • Colonel earns about – N750,000;
  • Lieutenant Colonel earns about – 650,000;
  • Major earns about- N550,000;
  • Captain earns about – N450,000;
  • Lieutenant earns about – N350,000;
  • Second Lieutenant earns about – N250,000.
  • Master Warrant Officer earns about – N170,000;
  • Warrant Officer earns about – N150,000;
  • Staff Sergeant earns about – N130,000;
  • Sergeant earns about – N100,000;
  • Corporal earns about N88,000;

Nigerian Army Ranks and their Badges

The Nigerian Army is one of the most important armed forces in the country. The Nigerian Army ranks, symbols and badges arranged from the lowest rank to the highest. Each of this rank and position is attached with the symbols that best describe them. After reading this article, when you see any Nigerian Army by mere looking at their tag and symbol, you will definitely know his or her rank.

1. Lance corporal

Lance corporal is the lowest rank in the Nigerian Army, a soldier of this rank, ranks higher than a private (Privates are the newly recruited soldiers).

Nigerian Army Ranks

2. Corporal

This is second to the last in the hierarchy of Rank; the Corporal is the next rank that a Lance Corporal assumes upon promotion.


3.  Sargent

Sergeant is the fifteenth most powerful army in Nigeria.  The sergeant comes after Corporal in the order of Nigerian Army. And although it is senior to both a Lance Corporal and Corporal, a Sergeant in the Nigerian Army is still a junior non-commissioned officer.

Nigerian Army Ranks

To identify a Sergeant, look out for the “triple V” marked badge on the uniform above.

4. Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant is the fourteenth most powerful army in Nigeria. Staff Sergeant is next after Sergeant; but unlike the Sergeant, a Staff Sergeant is a superior non-commissioned officer in the Nigerian Army.

Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant can be identified by “a golden eagle above the triple V” marked badge on the uniform.

5. Warrant Officer

This officer is ranked thirteenth in the Nigerian Army. The warrant officer is the next in line of rank  rank after Staff Sergeant in the order  of Nigerian Army. It is thought to be a good rank for young military personnel.

Nigerian Army Ranks

A Warrant Officer can be identified by the “golden eagle surrounded by golden crown made of olive leaves” marked badge on the uniform.

6. Master warrant officer

The master warrant officer is ranked number twelve in the Nigerian army. It is also known as Master Sergeant, Master Warrant Officer is the highest non-commissioned rank in the Nigerian Army.

Master warrant officer

They are charged to deal with military equipment and can be identified by an insignia which has the Nigerian coat of arm.”

7. Second Lieutenant

The rank of the second lieutenant is eleven positions. Like the Lance Corporal, Second Lieutenant is the lowest rank in the hierarchy of commissioned officers.

The word as used ‘lieutenant’ means substitute and Second Lieutenant Means the second substitute of a Captain.

Nigerian Army Ranks

It is easy to identify them as the insignia designated to this rank is a single “six-pointed star”, the star seen in the Nigerian Army emblem.

8. First lieutenant

The first lieutenant is among the top ten most powerful army and next after the Second. And just as the Second Lieutenant is the second subordinate of a captain, the First Lieutenant the Captain’s first substitute.

Nigerian Army Ranks

You can differentiate a First Lieutenant from the second lieutenant by looking out for the “vertically aligned two six-pointed stars” marked badge on the uniform.

9. Captain

This is undoubtedly the most famous in the rank within the army as it is known by both the learned and unlearned. It is ranked number nine in the Nigerian Army.

First Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant are subordinate to the Captain.


The insignia of a Captain is made up of three six-pointed stars which are vertically aligned.

10. Major

In the order of the Nigerian Army, the rank of Major eight positions and it is next after the Captain. It is liken to the naval rank of lieutenant commander in the other uniformed services.


They can be identified by a “silver eagle” marked on the badge of their uniform.

11. Lieutenant Colonel

Lieutenant Colonel is one the most important ranks in the Nigerian Army, and it is ranking seventh most powerful in Nigerian Army.

Lieutenant Colonel

The insignia for this rank is made up of one silver eagle above a vertically aligned six-pointed star above.

12. Colonel 

Colonel is among the top sixth ranks in the Nigerian Army. And he plays crucial duty to be responsible for the regiment.


The insignia for Colonel is one silver eagle above a vertically aligned two six-pointed stars.

13. Brigadier

Brigadier is ranking fifth general officer in the Nigerian Amy. When the Brigadier is been appointed to a field command, he is typically in command of a brigade consisting of around 4,000 troops.


Liken to that of a Colonel, the insignia of a brigadier is made up of one silver eagle and six-pointed stars arranged in a triangular form.

14. Major general

Major General is the fourth powerful phase of ranks in the Nigerian Army.

Nigerian Army Ranks

As shown above, the symbol of Major General is made up of a golden eagle and a cross of sword and baton.

15. Lieutenant General 

The third in this category is the Lieutenant General. He is the third most powerful rank in the Nigerian Army.

Nigerian Army Ranks

Its symbol is composed of all elements making up the symbol of Major General, and a golden six-pointed star.

16. General 

This is the second largest after the field marshal and so far in Nigeria, it is  highest attained rank in the Nigerian Army.


The General is identified by a silver eagle, two golden six-pointed stars and a cross of sword and baton.

 17. Field Marshal

The field  marshal is another name for General of the Army, it is the highest and apex rank in the Nigerian Army but unfortunately, no personnel since the establishment  of the Nigerian Army, have ever reached up to this rank.

Field Marshal

As seen above, the insignia of Field Marshal is made up of a golden eagle and a cross of sword and baton surrounded by two branches.

The Strengths of the Nigerian Army

The Nigerian army has a combat tank value which includes MBTS, tanks destroyers, light tanks. There is also Armour fighting vehicle values which includes APCs, IFVs, MRAPs, several armoured cars and missiles propellers.

  • ( Combat tanks= 252
  • ( Self propelled artillery= 25
  • ( Rocket projector = 30
  • ( Towed artillery= 338
  • ( Armoured fighting vehicles are present in its thousands.

Also among the strength of the Nigerian army is the man’s power, the man power in Nigeria’s army is as follows; The Nigerian Amy has over 150,000 soldiers and 6,000 officers. Along with all the machinery in their possession, the Nigerian army is on its way to become a formidable armed force.

The Functions of the Nigerian Army

The Nigerian army began functioning in 1960 and has effects which sweeps across a the land area of Nigeria; controlling land related vices, terrorism and are responsible for ensuring peace and stability of a humans that are present on Nigeria’s land. Other functions of the Nigerian army includes;

  • To help to support territorial wholesomeness
  • To protect the control against any form of external aggression
  • To safeguard the country’s borders
  • To maintain peace and orderliness in the country
  • To protect areas of utmost importance
  • To deliver basic defensive operations
  • To attain highly specialized skills in delivering moral duties

The Meaning of the Nigerian Army Logo

Nigerian Army Logo

The Nigerian Army logo is one symbol that differentiates it from the air force or the navy. The logo has a symbol of the eagle, the star sign and the Arabic text writing just below the logo.

The eagle on the Nigerian Army logo signifies grace and power of the Nigerian army. Just like the way the eagle hovers above and attacks with precision, that’s how the army strikes Nigeria’s enemies when fighting a war.

The symbol of the star represents the unity of Nigeria as one indivisible nation. This could be traced back to 1914, during the amalgamation. The yellow and black colour on the star represents the Southern and Northern Protectorates that formed one Nigeria.

The Arabic writing in the Nigerian Army logo when transcribed in English means ‘Victory comes from God alone’. The colour red on the flag stands for threat and enemy elements while the black represents the Nigerian cavalry and troops.

The 17 Branches of the Nigerian Army

1. The Infantry

This branch of the Nigerian army encompasses soldiers that come close enough to the enemy to fire and manoeuvre attacks, they engage in close attacks, counter attacks and repel enemy’s assault to defeat and capture them. They are the combat strength of the army

2. The Armour

This branches is one of the active combat arm that make use of tanks and solider to support the infantry and Calvary and make forward strikes during mobile combat operation.

3. The Aviation

This branch of the army that deals mainly with airstrike and their officers are mostly called air corps. The army aviation is concerned with mission to prompt and sustain combat conditions and usually comprises of helicopter and light weight aircrafts.

4. The Field artillery

They are well-known as the boss of the war. They are the leader of the soldiers, they joined knowledge and technical expertise of all the Nigerian army weapon system to offer all type of fire power.

They are specialists within the capabilities of cannons, rockets, missiles, naval gunfire, and close air support.

5. Special corps

This branch encompass all the highly specialized workforce that are involved accomplishing special warfare techniques. They coordinate several mission such as counterterrorism, strategic reconnaissance, foreign internal defence.

6. Air defence artillery

Air Defence Artillery cut across all positions concerned with the employment of Air Defence Artillery weapons in support of military land combat operations and against enemy aircraft and missile attacks.

Depending on the type of missions, Air Defences Artillery units can be found defending the ground-rousing combat arms units or critical units/areas against enemy air attack.

7. Signal Corps

Signal Corps officers blends along each combat leadership skills and technical effectiveness as they arrange and coordinate info systems that supports the command and management of the Army’s forces.

They also coordinate the installation, operations, maintenance and reconfiguration of the network of information systems for strategic, and sustaining base operations and the operation of the Army part of global defence communications systems.

8. Corps of engineers

The Corps of Engineers is a Branch which also has combat support and service that support roles.

Engineer officers plan and make out the missions relating to engineer support on the battlefield in light, heavy, airborne, and topographic missions. They manage facilities and housing support at military base.

9. Chemical corps

The Chemical Corps are concerned mostly on proper orientation toward operations, training, scientific development and acquisition activities in support of nuclear, biological, chemical and other natural defence scheme.

10. Transportation corps

Transportation Corps encompasses those positions related to movement of officers and cargo through land, sea, and air

11. Medical corps

The Medical Corps is part of the army medical department. This branch is an exclusive l branch of the Army. It comprises of three functional areas which are Clinical Medicine Staff, Command, and Research.

12. Veterinary corps

The Veterinary Corps may be a a part of the military Medical Department. The Corps coordinates its activities to four areas: veterinary food inspection and hygiene, animal medical care, veterinary preventive medicine and research and development

13. Adjutant general corps

Officers within the Adjutant General’s Corps serve in the least organization levels of the military wherever they arrange, develop, and use the Army’s personnel management support systems.

14. Chaplain corps

The Chaplains Branch is a special branch which main mission is to offer comprehensive religious support for soldiers in war.

15. Judge advocate general corps

The Judge Advocate General’s Corps is a unique branch of the army officers that are lawyers. Their functions include all legal practices like criminal law, administrative and civil law.

16. Military intelligence corps

Military Intelligence encompasses the use and integration of military intelligence functions at both strategic levels.

How Can I Apply For Nigerian Army 

  • Visit Nigerian Army’s web page at recruitment and choose your preferred course (SSC or DSSC) from the page.
  • You will be redirected to the page where you can read the qualification criteria for the ongoing SSC and DSSC courses.
  • Click on the “Apply Now” button for your chosen course (SSC or DSSC).
  • After which you will be required to select if you are serving/have served in the Armed Forces of Nigeria, choose the appropriate option and proceed.
  • If have not created an account click on “Sign Up”, after which a verification link will be sent to your email or enter you login details and log in.
  • Fill out the form and ensure all required documents listed below are uploaded:
  • Passport photograph.
  • Educational certificates.
  • Evidence of membership of any professional body.
  • Certificate of state of origin.
  • Birth certificate or age declaration.
  • For DSSC applicants, note that the qualification selections available to you are dependent on the preferred corps selected.
  • Applicants must print out their photo-slip which would be generated online on completion of their application. The first page is to be signed by the Registrar of any Court of Law while the second page is to be signed by the applicants’ Local Government Chairman/Secretary or any military officer of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or equivalent and above who hails from an applicant’s state of origin.


The Nigerian military is endowed with the sole responsibility of protecting the citizens and sovereign territorial borders against external threats.

Codes Of Operation Includes Order, Hierarchy, Discipline. This means that the Nigerian armed forces is organized and abides by certain decrees and operates within a structural hierarchy.


  1. Umar yahya

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