15 Study Tips For Examinations Preparation ( Overcome Exam Phobia)

Examinations preparation involves reading widely, paying attention to highlighted words, noting relevant details and jotting down major points in your notebook and material.

Examinations preparation is an important part of students programme in school. Whether you want it or not, you will be called upon to write examinations.

Nothing works better than to read widely, from useful notes, revise your notes many times and be careful in the examination.

The suggestions presented in the unit are for you to put into practice. If you practise them, you are sure of  your exam success.

15 Study Tips For Examinations Preparation

The following are suggestions to consider in examinations Preparation:

1.  Schedule your study’s time.

Don’t study when you’re really tired. It’s better to get a good night’s sleep after studying for a short time than to push on at two in the morning. You won’t remember much and you’re likely to see a performance drop the next day.

According to Kathleen Jasper, study guides must have relevant practice questions and be 100% aligned with the exam blueprints to prepare the test taker for all types of questions. Setting a dedicated time to answer practice tests can greatly benefit learners for long-term information retention.

2.  Cover all the areas

Cover all the areas given to you to cover; questions can come from any of the areas. This area you need to cover is popularly known as area of concentration (AOC).

You can enhance your AOC by establishing clear goals for each study session or test and creating a dedicated, organized, and quiet study environment. Develop a routine with a study schedule with specific time blocks for different subjects.  

Take regular breaks, using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, and incorporate mindfulness and meditation exercises for focused attention. Prioritize overall brain health through regular exercise, hydration, a balanced diet, and seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Break down tasks into manageable portions to prevent feeling overwhelmed and minimize distractions by turning off notifications.  

Engage in active learning methods, like summarizing information and teaching concepts, to reinforce learning. Keep study sessions interesting by varying the types of study materials. Seek professional help if needed, exploring personalized strategies for improving concentration. Consistency and effort are key to gradual improvement.

3.  Discover your learning style.

For example, if you’re a visual learner, using pictures can help. Auditory learners should record themselves saying notes and recite it afterwards. If you are a physical person, lecture to yourself (out loud) while also using your hands or moving around; this way it will be easier for you to memorize. I love using visual and auditory learning.

4.  Put the notes in a short form

Put the notes in a short form that you can revise within a short period. This is what I do most time. I usually extract all the relevant part and leave out the extraneous ones and then read the short note regularly before examination date.

5.  Make studying a part of your habits.

Too often, it’s easy to view studying as something that only gets done at the last minute in a huge overnight cram session. Instead, try setting aside some time every day to study. Scheduling it just like another appointment or class may help you stay motivatedto continue the habit,

Designate a comfortable, distraction-free study space, and use tools to block distracting websites. Keep a planner to organize tasks and deadlines. Incorporate variety by switching between subjects to avoid monotony. 

Establish a reward system for completing study goals. Stay consistent with your schedule, even on less motivated days. Engage in active learning methods, such as summarizing information or teaching concepts.

6. Eat a healthy, light meal.

Eat a balanced breakfast full of lean protein, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. A sample breakfast might include a spinach omelet with smoked salmon, whole wheat toast, and a banana.

7.  Be exact as you study for the examinations.

This is because if you will be required to fill in the exact word and unless you know it, you will not be able to tackle the question.

8.  Read the instructions very well and obey them.

If the instruction says fill in do not tick, if it says answer two questions do not answer three. I was once a victim. There was a particular exam I was supposed to answer only three questions from the five questions given and because I failed to take a glance at the instruction, I end up answering everything. Of course you won’t like what happen to me aftermath.

9.  Adjust your study techniques to fit your subject.

Subjects such as mathematics require a lot of practice with problem sets in order to become familiar with the processes required. Subjects in the humanities, such as history or literature, may require more information synthesis and memorization of things such as terms or dates.

When doing so, don’t just re-read the same set of notes over and over again. In order to actually learn, you need to take an active role in knowledge creation as well as information review

10.  Revise your notes

Revise your notes as many times as possible. The more you revise the notes, the more they become part and parcel of you.

11.  Speed and accuracy is important.

In every exam, you need to work fast and work accurately.

12.  Review your syllabus. 

Figure out when all of your exams will be and how much of your grade they are worth. Put these dates on your calendar or planner so they don’t sneak up on you!

Plan review sessions beginning at least a week in advance of each exam. Ideally, you’ll do several mini-reviews well in advance, gradually increasing the time in which you study, rather than trying to cram everything into one mega session the night before the test.

13. Work hard and think positive.

Self-confidence is important; focusing on how little you’ve studied or how badly you think you will do on the exam just distracts you from working on achieving success. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t study hard. You still need to work at it, even if you have confidence in yourself. Confidence just keeps away roadblocks to success.

14.  Gather many points

Gather many points together because the more points you gather so also will be your chances of being able to answer the questions.

15 Get to the exam hall early. 

Give yourself at least 15 or 20 minutes to gather your thoughts before starting the exam. This way, you can get settled in and have time to relax before the exam starts.

What You Should  Do During Exam Period

  • Wake up and start early for your day
  • Be focused
  • Understand the question well and answer peacefully
  • Avoid last-minute preparation and hurry

How To Overcome Exam Phobia (Exam fears and anxiety)

  • Stay positive
  • Preparation is the primary key that helps
  • Never compare yourself with other students
  • Work smarter rather than work harder
  • Meditate to keep your mind calm and peaceful
  • Revise all the topics you have studied
  • Eat well
  • Be physically fit
  • Have enough sleep

How to Answer Examination Questions.

  • Be careful: Read the questions carefully. Sometimes the words like not, only, but, though, off’, etc may make a big difference. You may miss the answer if your attention is not drawn to these words.
  • Eliminate obviously wrong answers: Some answers are obviously wrong. Eliminate these first. Then think more deeply on the answer and options (or detractors) that are very close.
  • Follow the instructions: Sometimes you may require for example to answer three questions or shading, ticking (P), or underlining the correct answer; if you do not do what you are asked to do, your paper may be disqualified.


  1. Ebunoluwa

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