Factors Affecting Students in Nigerian Education.

Factors Affecting Students in Nigerian Education have suffered inattention over the years. This is probably because of the sociopolitical/socioeconomic priorities which presently define the consciousness and attitude of the general populace.

Is the Nigerian Education Weak?

Nigeria’s education system is based on the (1)-6-3-3-4 formula: one year pre-primary education, six years primary, three years junior secondary, three years senior secondary, and a minimum of four years tertiary education. This education model was successful in China, Germany and Ghana before Nigeria later adopted it in 1989.

It has since then found itself in assorted crises of infrastructural decay, neglect, waste of resources and sordid conditions of service. The country has over 10 million out-of-school children. That’s the highest in the world.

Another 27 million children in school are performing very poorly. Millions of Nigerians are half-educated, and over 60 million are illiterate.

In recent time, there’s even the popular slogan, ‘School Na Scam’ which further strengthens the decision to drop out of school by children.

Factors Affecting Students in Nigerian Education.

What then are the factors that propelled this eye sore in the general running of the country, especially in the educational sector? Some of the causes of this lethargy and problem are explanatorily outlined so you may have an understanding of the whole situation presently confronting the clime.

1. Self Concept.

The ‘School Na Scam’ ideology is a selfish conception that is borne by laziness and arrant urge to be stay idle all day without showing any readiness for any challenge of any kind. School nowadays are consistently populated by those who are not ready to learn, unlearn, and relearn. All they want to be done instead is to force their own savage knowledge on the school. It is quite unfortunate therefore that many schools are already giving in to this savagery/ignorance. Self Concept is indeed one of the factors affecting students in Nigerian education.

2. Class and Curriculum Structure.

Children succeed where there is structure but struggle where ignorance and primitiveness is order of the day. When students sense or see that classes follow a structure, and the curriculum and class materials have been prepared beforehand, it provides them with a greater sense of security.

The feeling of security is one of our basic needs. When that’s provided in a learning environment, it allows students to fully focus on the learning material.

Educators need to plan classes and curricula. All materials that will be used in class should be prepared in advance as this will help them hold back whatever savage culture they intend to force on the school through indiscipline.

3. Monetized Priorities.

A society that has given so much attention and respect to money and those who have it at the expense of those who are suggestively poor is a danger to itself, as this will not only destroy the moral being of such society but it will aslo destroy its future by first playing the danger game on its youth.

4. Teaching Method, Teacher’s Behavior and Personality

If a student has a negative emotion such as fear or disliking towards their teacher, that can negatively affect their attitude toward the subject as a whole.

Teachers must not show preference towards certain students or use derogatory and humiliating language that can lower their motivation in education.

On the other hand, kindness, optimism, positive feedback, and encouragement can positively affect students’ motivation to learn.

5. Parental Attitude and Indulgence

The indulgent involvement of parents in the education of their children also affects Nigerian education negatively. Many illiterate parents dictate the running of private schools and it has thus placed the students’ decision over the school’s. this is therefore of the problems affecting Nigerian education.

6. Family Instability

Same as the lack of security in the classroom, the lack of security at home can negatively impact motivation in education.

Children who live with both parents, on average get better grades than children who don’t. Family conflicts and disruption can result in poorer academic performance. Some examples include: divorce, loss of one or both parents, not living with the biological father or mother, not having contact with the biological father or mother, frequently moving from one home to another.

7. Learning Circumstances

School environment or school climate is another factor that affects motivation in education. School environment refers to different norms and regulations that determine the overall climate in the school.

Positive school environment makes students feel safe and secure, meets their basic needs such as daily meals, and provides an optimal environment for them to build healthy social relationships.

Too many classes and learning environment that’s too serious can also lower motivation in education. Adding a fun element to classes can help to ease the atmosphere and improve motivation and results. Allowing enough time for play and rest can also have a positive effect.

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