5 Love Languages for Children.

Love Languages for children are some of the hypnotic positive behaviors by which any parents can completely gain the heart of their young ones. Since we now live in a time when children rebellion at home and in school is on the rise, it is about time parents, guardians and teachers began to learn some of the 5 love languages for children.

The expression of which is not only capable of igniting some mutual intimacy between parents and children, but that it is also capable of teaching the children love and manners that are far from being rebellious.

5 Love Languages for Children.

These 5 love languages for children are the most common all over the world and they are the most practicable techniques which are strong enough to evoke the peace we all clamor for if we begin to imbibe them now.

1. Memorable Time Together

Quality time with a parent or caregiver is something that kids relish. They may enjoy getting to stay up later than their little sibling or going on a special outing. It can be as simple as having a morning dance party while cooking breakfast or singing a favorite song together. Setting aside time every week for children whose love language is “quality time” helps build trust and enables you to create a deeper and more meaningful bond.

Establishing continual connections with your children is the key to fostering strong relationships. By looking out for the signs above and identifying your child’s love language, you’ll be able to have an even deeper, more meaningful and ongoing connection with your child.

2. Compassionate Words (Words of Affection)

It is good to say affectionate and loving things, or to offer praise will be most appreciated by a child whose love language is words of affection. A special note in their lunchbox or verbal enthusiasm about a job well done can really make your little one feel special. It’s also important to remember to get down to their eye level when communicating these affirmations to have the greatest impact.

3. Service Without Verbal Attack

Some older children will show their affection through participation in chores or family activities. This can be expressed in doing chores without being asked to do so, like putting away the dishes or walking the dog. They may be unaware that what they’re doing is actually a gesture of love and thoughtfulness to other members of the family. Still, when children do these things proactively, parents should acknowledge the effort and offer positive reinforcement through words of affection and appreciation.

Kids whose love language is “acts of service” appreciate it when their parents do even the smallest of tasks for them: Making them a meal they’ve been craving is considered an act of love. It may be as simple as fixing a broken Lego tower or helping them get dressed. If this is your child’s love language, you might worry that you’re not fostering skills of independence. But walking them through a process can help them build the confidence they need to do something without your assistance next time.

4. Gifting (Surprises)

What child doesn’t love receiving gifts? While most kids can’t wait to rip open presents or parcels of gift on their birthdays, some children feel especially loved when they receive a thoughtful gift from a parent, or if they get to spend time with you picking out something special for a sibling for a holiday. And while none of us really need another plastic toy cluttering up the house, children whose love language is “gifts” can feel thought of and cared for simply by receiving a flower from the yard or a handwritten note in their lunch box. A small, meaningful gesture can make kids feel loved.

5. Cuddles and kisses (Physical Affection)

One of the first love languages children can express preference over is physical touch. Most babies love nothing more than to be showered in hugs and kisses. We can often get their first smiles and laughs during this time. Extra snuggles on the couch or a high five can do the trick to reinforce a feeling of love to older children whose love language is physical touch.

While one child may thrive from physical attention, others may not be comfortable with affection expressed through touch. This can ring especially true among children with special needs. As a parent, it’s important to be patient and not impose your own love language on your children because it may result in the opposite of your desired outcome.

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