Over Masturbation’s Side Effects on Bones

Possibility is that there are not just a few over masturbation’s side effects on bones in human beings; it goes just beyond a little number of them. Although masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity with few side effects, it will be good of us to also come to the apprehension that this unconventional sexual practice can also result in many unwanted conditions that have to with human health.

Over Masturbation’s Side Effects on Bones

Yes! It’s true that masturbation can be a pleasurable activity that has several benefits such as stress relief, sleep quality improvement, relaxation, and promotion of the feeling of your mental well-being, etc. But over masturbation also can have some dangerous side effects on bones which you might care to know about. Here are some over masturbation’s side effects on bones if due caution or care is not taken to slowing it down.

Zinc Deficiency

Over masturbation can cause zinc deficiency in your body that can result in abnormalities of bone and joint development and bodily functions. Your sperm contains many nutrients like zinc, copper, magnesium, and calcium. Every time you masturbate, you lose these nutrients in your semen.

Zinc is required for the normal growth of bones in your body. It is also essential for bone regeneration. Over masturbation side effects on bones include loss of zinc, resulting in poor bone growth and regeneration.

Zinc also plays a vital role in collagen synthesis. Collagen forms the building block for bone, teeth, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. To be more specific, it forms the foundation matrix, upon which minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus build the base of bone development.

Hormonal Imbalance

Another angle to understanding some over masturbation’s side effects on bones is looking into some imbalances. Masturbating too much can cause backaches. Over masturbation side effects on bones result in a reduction in DHEA, testosterone, and DHT. The decrease in these neurochemicals in the body triggers the release of an inflammatory hormone, prostaglandins E2, which can cause chronic lower back pain.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Each time you over masturbate, you also lose a substantial amount of vitamin D. This is required for bone strength and proper functioning. Vitamin D deficiency can result in weaker bones that may break easily.

Sleep Disturbances

Overindulging in masturbation can cause disturbances in your sleeping habits. Sleep and circadian disorders can impair the bone formation and alter bone strength. Your bone mineral density (BMD) is also reduced due to poor sleeping habits. The changes in bone density and quality can potentially increase your risk of suffering from fractures.


The side effects of over masturbation on bone health include loss of zinc, reduction in vitamin D levels, and alterations in your hormones, including DHEA, testosterone, and DHT. As a result, you may struggle with backache, bone pains, poor bone growth and regeneration, and a reduction in bone strength and density. This too is one of the over masturbation’s side effects on bones.


Over masturbation can result in poor social skills and anxiety issues during physical intimacy with a partner. You tend to feel less confident about your body, size, and stamina. As a result, you do not feel sure that you can please your partner and performance anxiety sets in.

Anxiety and stress can cause altered levels of growth hormones in your body. This affects the growth balance and results in bone loss.

Chronic Fatigue

Over masturbation induces the production of cortisol. This steroid hormone increases your metabolic rate and makes you feel exhausted. That is why you feel tired after a session of masturbation.

Chronic fatigue can result in aches and pains in your muscles and joints. In addition, the constant fatigue from over masturbation can cause side effects on your bone health by reducing muscle strength.

Possible Solution

It is better to consult a doctor for replenishing your lost vitamins and minerals if at all you have found out your addiction to masturbation before it starts to bring about some unexpected side effects on your bones and every other parts of your system. You should also consult a doctor to understand the solutions to reduce your masturbatory habit.

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