3 Reasons to Build A Common Language In The Workplace

Reasons to build a common language in the workplacePeople use language to communicate, and words have many different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. Still, there are times when you may come across specific phrases and expressions that others can potentially misconstrue.

To create a unified workplace, starting with a common language is important to have your employees work more effectively. And as you may know, communication is key. Here’s why you should build a common language in the workplace.

What is a Common Language?

Common language is a term that relates to the use of language. This can be a diverse aspect of communication, as it could include special words or phrases introduced by managers in an organization to help workers better communicate with each other. Common language is also referred to as “soft” vocabulary and is any word or phrase that its hard definitions cannot define.

Suppose you don’t use the same terminology for new acquisitions, employee leave programs, or client relationships. In that case, it could lead to miscommunication on the job and wasted time when trying to understand what everyone else is talking about. Also known as lingo or common knowledge, the terms used within your company can help coworkers get on the same page quickly and avoid confusion.

Did you know that your workplace can benefit from language training? Whether you want to extend your team’s language skills or provide your employees with business language training as a perk, Preply offers English corporate training designed to fit your specific requirements.

Why should you introduce a common language in your workplace?

It isn’t difficult to understand why a company might want to introduce a common language. Having an established set of terms can help with communication and training, making it easier for employees on different levels of the organization to understand one another.

1. Conformity

It provides a foundation for understanding across departments within the same organization, saving time and money and improving efficiency. Common words and phrases help make all employees look and sound like one big team. 

2. Improves Social Skills

It helps increase employees’ communication skills by adding clarity and precision to their discussions.  A shared language creates a more social atmosphere in the workplace, allowing people to communicate and influence others more effectively. 

3. Develops Organizational Culture

The common language of your company reflects the brand you are trying to create and your organization’s values. A common language can help employees feel more connected to what they do at their job, which results in a better environment for them to do their best work.

These subtle but powerful shifts in language can convey so much about a company’s organizational culture and values – things most people don’t notice until they are gone.


As your organization grows, the need for a common language with the outside world will only increase.  There is no best language when it comes to business. It all depends on the kind of business that you are in and how much time, effort, money, and resources you want to invest into establishing a common language.

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