The 5 Ways to Improve Emotional Intelligence

The term “emotional intelligence” (EQ or EI) refers to a person’s capacity to comprehend, manage, and utilize both their own and other people’s emotions. It involves a range of abilities and traits that help people function in social settings, form satisfying bonds with others, and make wise choices based on their emotional awareness.

Emotional intelligence includes the following:

Self-Awareness: This is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, including their causes and effects. It involves being in tune with your feelings and recognizing how they impact your thoughts and behavior.

Self-Regulation: Self-regulation involves managing and controlling your emotional responses. It means being able to stay calm under pressure, resist impulsive reactions, and adapt to changing circumstances without becoming overwhelmed by negative emotions.

Empathy: Empathy is the capacity to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and comprehend their emotions, which is crucial for building and maintaining positive relationships.

Social Skills: Effective social skills involve using emotional intelligence to navigate social interactions successfully. This includes effective communication, conflict resolution, active listening, and the ability to build rapport with others.

Motivation: Motivation in the context of emotional intelligence refers to the ability to harness emotions to set and achieve personal and professional goals. People with high emotional intelligence are often more driven and resilient in the face of setbacks.

Here are 5 ways to develop and improve your emotional intelligence:


  • Be more self-aware:

Being aware of your emotions and emotional responses to those around you can greatly improve your emotional intelligence. Knowing when you’re feeling anxious or angry can help you process and communicate those feelings in a way that promotes healthy results. To improve your awareness, consider tracking any time you feel a strong emotion and taking notes about what caused your feeling.

  • Recognize how others feel:

Emotional intelligence may start with self-reflection, but it’s also important to gauge how others perceive your behavior and communication. Knowing how to adjust your own message based on how you’re received is an important part of being emotionally intelligent. If you’re unsure, you can always ask others how they feel to show that you prioritize their reactions.

  • Stay positive:

Emotionally intelligent people understand the power of a positive word, an encouraging email and a kind gesture. When you’re able to also stay positive in a stressful situation, you can help others around you remain calm. This attitude can also encourage further problem-solving and teamwork. While negative emotions can be normal, consider developing strategies to minimize their effects and look for solutions.

  •  Listen to feedback:

It is important to be the kind of person who can hear feedback, whether it’s positive feedback on a recent presentation or more critical recommendations on how you should delegate tasks more efficiently. Being open to feedback means you can take responsibility for your actions and are willing to improve how you communicate with others. While some feedback may be challenging to receive, you can try to think of it as an opportunity to learn and grow professionally.

  • Empathize:

Considering how others might be feeling is an important quality of emotional intelligence. It means you can empathize with feelings that you may not be feeling yourself and respond in a way that’s respectful and comforting to others. Try to imagine yourself in others’ positions so that you can consider how you might feel if in their situation.


It is important to keep in mind that developing emotional intelligence is a continuous process, and it’s acceptable to make mistakes along the way. The secret is to be dedicated to self-improvement and to continuously put these talents into practice.

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