List of Air Force Academy Fitness Training

This article is focused on the list of Air Force academy fitness training that you can find health-friendly in the world. The Air Force’s basic military training physical fitness test is a three-event physical performance test used to test your endurance. It measures your physical strengths, abilities and cardiorespiratory fitness. You are required to pass the Basic Military Training PFT to graduate boot camp and continue on to advanced individual training.

Fitness ratings are used to determine how often an airman must retest. Those who score in the “excellent” or “good” categories are retested annually. Those who score in the “marginal” or “poor” categories are retested every three months.

In addition, those in the marginal category are required to attend a healthy living workshop, while those in the poor category will be required to attend the workshop and participate in a fitness improvement program.

The Aerobic fitness test is a 1½-mile timed run. For a 17- to 25-year-old male, the score ranges from zero for a 21:30 elapsed time to 50 points for running it in less than 9:36.

List of Air Force Academy Fitness Training

Let us a look at some of the list of Air Force Academy fitness training which are currently considered as as viable enough to improve your body physique as a man or woman interested in joining the Airforce:

The Proper Pull-up (Regular Grip)

Grab the pull-up bar with your hands placed about shoulder width apart and your palms facing away from you. Pull yourself upward until your chin is over the bar and complete the exercise by slowly moving to the hanging position.

Pull-ups (Negatives)

If you cannot do any pull-ups, you should try “negatives.” Negatives are half pull-ups. All you have to do is get your chin over the bar by standing on something or having a spotter push you over the bar. Then, you slowly lower yourself all the way down — let your arms hang grasping the bar fully stretched. Keep your feet up and fight gravity for a count of five seconds. This will get your arms used to supporting your weight.

Assisted Pull-ups

This is the first step to being able to perform pull-ups. Using the bar that is 3-4 feet off the ground, sit under it and grab with the regular grip. Straighten your back, hips and slightly bend your knees while your feet remain on the floor and pull yourself to the bar so that your chest touches the bar. Repeat as required.

This is a great way to start out if you cannot do any pull-ups at all. You also can do this on a pair of parallel bars that are used for dips. These are also great to do after you no longer can perform any more dead-hang pull-ups. This is a good replacement for the lat pulldown machine as well.


Using a pulldown machine, grab the bar, sit down and pull the bar to your collarbone. Keep the bar in front of you. Behind-the-neck pulldowns are potentially dangerous to your neck and shoulders.

Dumbbell Rows

Among the list of Air Force academy fitness training is the dumbbell rows. Bend over and support your lower back by placing your hand and knee on the bench as shown. Pull the dumbbell to your chest area as if you were starting a lawn mower. Muscles worked: Back, forearm grip, biceps muscles.

Biceps Curls

Place dumbbells or bar in hands with your palms facing upward. Use a complete range of motion to take the weight from your shoulders to your hips by bending and straightening the elbows. Keep it smooth. Do not swing the weights.

You can build your strength, and within a few months of this workout, you will have your first pull-up in years — maybe ever. If weight loss is desired, naturally find a plan that incorporates cardiovascular exercise, diet and nutrition tips, and weights and calisthenics if your next goal is to do a pull-up one day. Good luck and always remember to consult with your doctor before starting any fitness program.

Read Also: 8 Steps to Writing an Effective Fitness Business Plan

Several Air Force Fitness Training Tests

  • Body Composition Test

The body composition score is determined by measuring the abdominal circumference and comparing the measurement to a body composition point chart. A 17- to 25-year-old male with a 36-inch waist would get a score of 22.20 for this area.

To measure abdominal circumference, place a measuring tape in a horizontal plane around the abdomen at the level of upper hip bone. Before reading the tape measure, ensure that the tape is snug but does not compress the skin and is parallel to the floor.

  • Push-up Test

Push-ups are done in a one-minute time period. For a 17- to 25-year-old male, the scores range from zero for less than eight push-ups to 10 points for 62 or more. Of all the exercises, the one with the largest mind game attached to it is the pull-up. One thing I have learned is that women and men cannot do pull-ups if they do not practice pull-ups.

On the flip side, the common denominator among those men and women who can do dead-hang pull-ups are those who practice pull-ups.

  • Crunches Test

The crunches test score is based on the number of repetitions counted during one minute. For a 17- to 25-year-old male, the score ranges from zero for less than 27 crunches to 10 points for 55 or more.

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