Biblical Ways to Train a Child (Children Training Tips).

Biblical ways to train a child (Children Training Tips) is a needed topic for every home who believes the future and reputation of the home are built by the good and social conduct of the children. Training the children is like deciding your future, that is, how it is going to be or look like after you are old and gone! A simple mistake in such business as child training is deadlier than death itself. That is more particularly owing to the fact that some wrong leadership could bring about a lasting destruction and disgusting reputation to the whole family.

There is a saying by a philosopher that there are always two categories of mad people in the world. The mentally deranged and the children. Even the Bible consents to the latter when it says in the book of Proverbs 22:15 that “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child…”. This truth here further confirms the truth that training children can really be a taxing engagement lest one should begin to consider it otherwise.

Training up a child could be likened to leading a savage nation into modern civilization, or to a builder building a humongous edifice oftentimes alone. The hard part however is that children are not buildings that are mindless and only subject to the dictates of the builder’s imagination. The children are human beings with minds of their own and as so, there are certain influences around that may open up their eyes to see the selfishness of the parents’ instructions and perspectives. This is more reason why a parent needs to adopt some selfless ways and open-mindedness as their methods of training up their child.

Biblical Ways to Train a Child (Children Training Tips).

In today’s world, several methods and means have been devised on how to train up a child. Some are harsh, some are cold, some are unfriendly, while some are indulgent. This leaves the parents or guardians with dilemma on which method or means to take in order to ensure your child does not become something different from your dreams. In response to this dilemma, biblical ways to train a child (Children Training Tips) is therefore arranged for your read and satisfaction.

Apart from the fact that the Bible is seen as a Christian book of wisdom, you deserve to be convinced that there are actionable principles guiding the right way of training up a child which you will need to adopt from the book without adding sentiment or religious bias to the choice. Regardless of what religion you belong to, the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips) are responsive and innovatively useful even to date.

1. Teaching Them From Early Age

One important way in the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips) is deciding to teach them at a very early stage. Most parents believe the children when they are between the ages of maybe three and six years are supposed to be left alone to do what they like because they think they are still very much young. But, half of all growth in human intelligence takes place between the ages of one and four. It is during these early years that habits are formed and basic rules of life are learned. If you can’t make a five-year-old pick up his toys, you probably will not be able to control him when he is fifteen. There is a critical period during the first five or six years of a child’s life, when he can be taught proper attitudes, and if you miss the opportunity of those years, his openness to receiving instruction will likely never return. While there may be hope for a straying teenager through much persistence and prayer, it is much better to instill proper values into children at an early age.

2. Respect the Place of Love in Giving Instruction

Another one of the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips) is trying to respect the place of love in dealing with the kids. The instruction of the Bible is, “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged” (Colossians 3:21). This is an admonition against constantly nagging. Parents must discipline children, but parents must guard against nagging at children continually, lest they be made to feel they can’t ever do anything right. The duty of the parent is not only to discipline, but also to bring encouragement. It is helpful to praise the child for a task well done whenever you can. Commend your daughter by saying, “You did a good job cleaning your room this morning.” Or, say to your son, “Your handwriting on that language paper was really well done.” Most of us will bend over backwards to please someone who praises our efforts; we feel defeated in the presence of those who are frequently critical of us.

We show children that we love them when we spend time with them. Don’t merely do things for your children; do things with them. Parents should have a regular play-time and a story-time with their children. Cultivate the art of spending time with your family. Thousands of children get everything they want except their parents’ time and attention. Don’t pity the child who doesn’t have a new bicycle, or whose parents cannot afford an encyclopedia. Rather, pity the child whose parents don’t take time for a family picnic, or a walk in the woods, or a day at the zoo.

3. Share the Knowledge of the Bible Prudently

Teaching the children the words of the Lord or making them learn the ways of the God at an early stage of life will make them see the importance of worshipping and walking in accordance with the ways of the Lord. In too many homes, the things of the Lord are almost completely ignored during the week, even though the family may faithfully attend church services every Sunday. Parents must take time in the home to memorize Scriptures together, and to read good books to the children—and in this way plant a knowledge of the Bible (and of other wholesome literature) in the minds of children. It is therefore one of the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips).

4. Apply Consistent Discipline on the Children

As part of the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips), it is right to say the Bible advocates firm discipline, and certainly the instruction is proper in Proverbs 19:18, when it says, “Chasten thy son while there is hope (while he is small), and let not thy soul spare for his crying.” And we are instructed further in Proverbs 13:24 with the words, “He that spares the rod hates his son, but he that loves him chastens him betimes (often).” A child who learns respect for authority in the home will more quickly learn to respect the authority of God, and will more likely have proper respect for the authority of the state.

The child is born with a sinful nature. Every child is prone to evil and almost constantly stands in need of teaching and correction. There is no one method of punishment that is always the best method. The natures of children are so different that what might be a punishment for one, turns out to be no punishment at all for another. But we must certainly disagree with the modern notion that no child ought ever be spanked. Some parents use bodily correction far too often, and far too viciously—but a good spanking not done in heated anger is still the best way to clear up a bitter attitude on the part of a rebellious child.

5. Emphasize On Obedience to Instructions

Instructions are to be seen as important according to the Bible that is why one of the biblical ways to train a child (children training tips) is obedience. The Bible emphasizes on the essentiality of obeying instructions. The popular biblical phrase, “Obedience is better than sacrifice” confirms that nothing other than obedience is the cornerstone of a child’s future character. When you ask that something be done, there should be no questioning, no disputing, no answering back, no delays. When you give a command, let your children plainly see that it is going to be done—and if it is not done there will be immediate punishment.

6. Make them Feel Responsible

To fail to teach our children the necessity of working, and to fail to assign them appropriate duties, is cruelty and not affection. Teach your children to work and let them know that money is not something that can be had for nothing. Every child needs a planned routine of play and rest and work. They need jobs that are suited according to their ages and abilities. Girls should be taught household duties and there are plenty of chores that boys can do. From an early age, children can be taught to “make their own beds,” and sweep up crumbs after a meal. There is nothing that challenges a young person more than to be given a responsibility. Assigned duties teaches children that they are expected to take a job and to do it well.

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