Disadvantages of Going to the University

Nothing ever exists without their cons. That is why looking at the many disadvantages of going to the university can require as much attention as the advantages the idea of university in any given society suggests. Many scholars have argued that schools, particularly the tertiary institutions, are necessary tools for societal development and economic growth.

The proof is however dispersed everywhere. China, Dubai, Japan, Switzerland, and many more countries across the world cannot dispute the huge contributions of their individual investment in academic research and in the education of their youths through academic scholarships and opportunities.

There is no question to how they manage to be on almost the same rostrum with other world powers such as America, Great Britain, and Russia in terms of their levels of modernization, infrastructure, advanced technology, and massive scientific innovations.

Contrary evidences are supplied by the socioeconomic circumstances of Africa where political subterfuge cripples the continents’ interest in getting educated. Also, other religious countries where formal education are considered ‘haram’ or ungodly…

Having reiterated the various positive sides of attending the university as students across boundaries, it is also rationally relevant to touch the copious disadvantages of going to the university without considerations to religious theories or values of course. Below are the demerits that come with the decision of going to the university:

  • No Easy Job Assurances

The only guarantee you get from going to university is that you will be graduating with a degree by virtue of your diligence. Apart from that, there is no guarantee that you will find a job easily or that you will be promoted. The job market remains quite competitive, and you will need to assemble a variety of skills, qualifications and experience in order to stand out from other candidates. However, on many occasions, a college degree could be a minimum requirement to qualify for a role.

  • Unfriendly Expenses and Debt

Everyone knows how expensive education is nowadays. Therefore, unless you have the financial means to pay for your education upfront, you will be graduating not just with a degree but also a considerable debt.

Plus, there other expenses you need to take into consideration, including your accommodation costs as well as living expenses. That said, you can always apply for financial aid, scholarships and bursaries that will lift some of the financial burden off your shoulders.

  • Uncomfortable Commitment

Going to university is a long-term commitment, which could require three to eight years of your life, depending on the course you choose to take. This can be a real challenge if you are a working professional because you’ll have to give up your full-time job to return to university.

But even if you are a young student, this factor can still be a consideration for you. After all, you will be depriving yourself of years of income and piling on student debt. That said, part-time study options could allow you to work while you work towards your degree.

  • Lack of Technical Skills

Not all degrees offer hands-on experience and  the chance to develop technical skills. While many entry-level roles do offer training, your lack of technical skills could prolong how quickly you land a job and kickstart your career. Internships, part-time work and volunteering are all great options to attain some technical experience in the fields you are interested in.

Read Also: The Average Salary of a University Professor

  • Distance From Loved Ones

While studying at a university can be exciting, it can also be an overwhelming experience, especially if you are living far away from home. Moving away can be stressful and very hard for those attached to their family and friends. Homesickness is quite common, especially among college freshmen, but it is something you can overcome with time, especially if you devote yourself to your studies.

  • Lack of Practical Experience

Apprentices get a pay increase through an award programme as they progress from one level to another; they may earn a higher salary than you based on the time they have been working in a company or because of their level of competency and experience. So, in some cases, embarking on an apprenticeship may be a more viable option than pursuing a degree in that field.

  • Somewhat Burdensome

School is hard. On top of seminars and lectures, there’s also mid-term exams, coursework, projects and essays to be written. Juggling this amount of workload can be overwhelming, especially if you also choose to work during your studies or decide to take part in sports and societies, which will also take up a good chunk of your time.

If you are prone to stress, and struggle with multi-tasking and organization, university could be quite challenging, but you will adapt and learn how to cope with your workload with time.

  • Highly Demanding

Throughout your degree, you will be responsible for managing your own time and studies. It will require a lot of self-discipline on your part. Of course, this is a great learning experience and an opportunity to grow, but if you don’t feel ready to take this kind of step, then perhaps you could consider other alternatives to university and enroll when you are ready.

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