How to Connect Google Webmaster Verification Tool With Site

Google Webmaster Verification Tool requires that you verify ownership of every site you add to it. If you don’t verify the site, you won’t see any data related to it. Even worse, if you don’t verify your site, Raven won’t be able to display your ranking results!
Thankfully, this is the easiest way to connect Google Webmaster Verification Tool with site. Google has given us a simple tool to understand how it sees your site, what issues might be affecting your traffic, and how you can improve the site for better rankings and results. That tool is known as Google Search Console.

The tool has been around for a while, and it used to be known as Google Webmaster Tools, and Google Webmaster Central before that.

It is one of the most powerful tools a website owner has at their disposal. This is a free service that Google offers to help domain owners optimize their sites for search engine rankings as well as detecting issues and unknown errors that may be present on the site.

When you add your domain to Google Webmaster Tools, Google first needs to verify you as the domain owner. This is to ensure they are giving you analytical information properly for your proper domain.

How to Connect Google Webmaster Verification Tool With Site

Google Webmaster Tools provides five different verification options, two of which are available via its API and are also supported in Raven for your convenience.

  1. HTML Verification File (available in Raven)
  2. HTML Tag (available in Raven)
  3. DNS Text Record
  4. Google Analytics
  5. Google Tag Manager

This article will assist you with verifying your site with Google.

Easy way to verify your site with google webmaster tools

  1. Sign into Google Webmaster Tools, (or create an account if you do not have one already.)
  2. Click “Add Site” and enter your domain or 3dcartstores address in the box
  3. Click Continue

You will now be taken to the “Verify Your Site” page. This is where you will be able to select the verification method to use. Google gives you three options, but the most common is Meta tag – which we will be concentrating on here. With the Meta tag method, Google will provide you with a code that will need to be placed on your site’s main header. When you verify the site with Google, they will look at the site and reference this specific coding to complete the process.

  1. Choose your verification method by selecting Add a meta tag from the drop down box.
  2. Copy the code provided. Make sure that you select and copy everything in the box:

Easy way to verify your site with google webmaster tools

Adding the code to your 3dcart site

Now open up a new browser window and perform the following:

  1. Log into your 3dcart Online Store Manager
  2. Go to Marketing >SEO Tools
  3. On the right hand side of the page, look for and click on the “Google Analytics” link
  4. Scroll down to the “Google Webmaster Tools Verification Meta Tag” section
  5. Add your code there and Save the page.
  6. Go back to Google and verify your site.

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