The Origin of Excuses and How it is Generated.

The origin of excuses and how it is generated has since been a great concern of several investigation departments both for police and lawyers, and of course, for the motivational speakers who wish to associate or convince their audience with the hazards or dangers or risks involved in making excuses in times when they are least needed.

As much as excuses can do some good to us as humans, it can also be seen to be an awesome cause for so many problems such as stagnancy, disappointments, and so many other problems.

What does the word ‘excuse’ mean?

Excuse is some statement offered as justification or as grounds for being excused. It is a reason which you give in order to explain why something has been done or has not been done, or to avoid doing something.

The Origin of Excuses and How it is Generated.

There is an origin of excuses and how it is generated. A very good way of understanding how excuses are generated is having a fine understanding of why people make excuses because, looking at this angle or aspect, we will be able to come to see the reasons and manner in which excuses are generated.

  • What is the Origin of Excuses?

Excuses often take strikingly similar rhetorical forms in widely divergent kinds of situation. Using the example of modern Greece, blame attribution is one example of excuses. The word EXCUSE is etymologically made of two words, ex and causa. 

In late 14th c., ex means “pretext, justification,” from Old French; while causa means “reason or motive for a decision, grounds for action; motive,” from Old French, from Latin causa “a cause; a reason; interest; judicial process, lawsuit,” which is of unknown origin.

The sense of “that which serves as a reason for being excused” is recorded from mid-15c.

  • Why Do People Make Excuses?

Making excuses is a natural human response – we are social animals, and we care what others think about us and want to fit in. Rather than face uncomfortable conversations and feelings, we make excuses and avoid responsibility. People who make excuses may feel happy in the moment, because they’ve avoided a bit of pain. However, the reasons why people make excuses are not far-fetched. Some of these many reasons for flimsy excuses, even as destructive as they can be, are fear, lack of courage to take responsibility or purpose, laziness, uncertainty, and many more.

But can it ever be stopped?

  • How then do we stop making excuses?

Right below, we have given an outline of how people who generate excuses can really put a stop to them. Trying to imbibe any of these points will make persons become a truly complete and socially acceptable personality in the society. This means, summoning the courage to use these facts explains the potential that builds or makes instead of marring relationships:

  1. We can put a stop to making excuses when we do the following:
  2. When we start taking responsibility
  3. When we choose to be hardworking and strong
  4. When we change our perspective
  5. When we create passion for what we are doing
  6. When we set achievable goals and vision
  7. When we get rid of limiting your beliefs
  8. When we stop thinking too much or overstimulating our minds

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