Asian Development Bank Funding Programme 2020 Application.

Asian Development Bank Funding

About Asian Development Bank Funding Programme 2020

In this challenge, they aim to develop a dashboard where users can enter real-time data and access information on key involuntary resettlement safeguard indicators for ADB projects. This tool would be accessible to ADB’s clients (project Executing and Implementing agencies), the project resettlement external monitor, and ADB staff.

Resettlement implementation for ADB-supported projects is guided by the ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS 2009). Access to real-time social safeguards information and feedback from project-affected communities is a challenge even in normal times.

The difficulties have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in a “new normal” where ADB safeguards specialists are unable to carry out site visits to meet and obtain feedback from affected households.

With COVID-19 how can we leverage better digital solutions to support ADB’s ability in obtaining feedback from affected communities and proactively taking steps to ensure safeguard implementation?

Your proposed solution would allow all involved parties to have a snapshot of project social safeguards performance anytime from anywhere. 

Furthermore, ADB will always be in the know on resettlement for the project and may act, as needed, ahead of the regular monitoring reports from the Executing Agency and the external monitor.

Both ADB and the external monitor will be on the same page regarding information coming from the project sites. The ultimate beneficiaries of the tool would be ADB’s counterparts and project affected households from developing member countries (DMCs) whose feedback will be recorded and who will derive benefit from enhanced project implementation.

Asian Development Bank Funding Programme Eligibility

This Challenge is open to the general public. Teams may be composed of between 1-5 persons. The Challenge is also offered to: 

  • Startups   
  • University Students and Faculty 
  • Research Organizations and Independent Researchers 
  • Corporate Partners 

Final solutions or deliverables will be judged according to the criteria determined by the jury below:  

  • Simplicity and usability across platforms. The tool will have to be used by people who are not necessarily tech-savvy, including government and ADB staff; plus, buy-in of ADB’s government counterparts is important to ensure the tool will be widely used. Thus, proposed tools that are easy to learn to use and maintain are preferred. 
  • Whether the proposed tool can be utilized across several ADB member countries. Additional points will be given to proposals with demonstrable utility in several ADB member countries, in Southeast Asia and beyond. 
  • Ability to generate data summaries or output tables. The tool should serve a dual function as data repository and a generator of information.  
  • Security. Sensitive data will be entered into the tool. Thus, security features are important.  

Worth of Award

Win up to  USD 10,000  for pilot testing of the selected solutions and a chance to implement your solution with ADB!

How to Apply For Asian Development Bank Funding 

The following content should be provided: 

  • Team Introduction: Name and professional background (including CV) for all members of the team submitting applications.  
  • Presentation document with the (iproposed tool; (ii) details on the technology and data inputs, (iii) evidence of tracking accuracy, and (iv) explanation on how to use the tool, and (v) details on how to maintain the product in the long run.  
  • A video demonstration of your project, including ease of usability (not more than 5 minutes) 
  • A dashboard that presents the key findings in an interactive, easy to follow, and informative manner, with the possibility of real-time updates as new data comes in. 

Mentoring: The shortlisted teams will be paired with ADB safeguards and project administration experts to further understand the context of the problem and refine the proposed solution. The teams will also be invited to engage and submit questions in a webinar that will be facilitated by ADB together with different speakers. 

Evaluation: Up to 10 submissions will be shortlisted to proceed by the end of the round

To Apply:  Click Here To Apply

Application Deadline:

 Applications are open until August 7, 2020.


The shortlisted teams will have an opportunity to present their final solutions to the Jury, including a required live demonstration of tools, methods, and findings. 

Participants are required to upload their final solution by 1 September 2020. The Challenge Pitching will take place in the first week of September 2020.

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