Douglas College Entrance Scholarship 2022 in Canada.

Douglas College Entrance Scholarship is an offer nearly $100,000  to new international students each year who have proven to be successful in their previous academic studies.

Why choose Douglas College? Douglas College inspired its students to do what they love and be good at it by providing educational experiences that challenge and enlighten, and open doors to lives of passion and purpose. At DC, they treat each other with fairness and respect and model ethical behavior in academic, interpersonal, and administrative practices

  • Eligible Countries: International
  • Type: Undergraduate or Graduate
  • Application Deadline: 
Semester   Scholarship Deadline
Summer (May) January 31
Fall (September) May 31
Winter (January) September 30

How to Apply for Douglas College Entrance Scholarship 2022.

  • Applicants must have applied to Douglas College.
  • Applicants must demonstrate significant previous academic performance and engagement in their school, community and/or personal development.
  • Applicants must be at least 17 years of age or have a High school graduation certificate or a post-secondary graduation degree.

You are required to use the student portal of the university to apply for admission and then fill a scholarship application form separately and submit it here by the deadline to be considered for the scholarship.

Visit the Official Website to Apply

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