Important Information About Early Education Station

The important information about early education station is that what we keep being witness to the ever evolving changes and development along the dictates of time and space. The early education station is a phenomenon on its own. It thus forms the foundational knowledge system for the future of not just the family but also of the immediate society, including the world.

So what are the necessary information to have about this enigma, the early education station?

The early education responsibly provides entry-level and of course continuing education courses for early childhood professionals. These courses are approved by the department that takes care of children and their families in the government. These continuing education courses provide early childhood professionals the opportunity to meet the children’s teachers’ yearly training requirements.
All of these courses provide valuable techniques, activities and information to help early childhood professionals provide quality programs for the children in their care. Ever since this awareness has become serious and essential, an organization has been developed with regards to the handling of this crucial stage of children who at the end of the day the foundation of tomorrow’s glory and overall progress for the world.

For Important Reasons Like the Needs of Children, Like:

  • Physical

The way in which a child develops biological and physical functions, including eyesight and motor skills

  • Social

The way in which a child interacts with others Children develop an understanding of their responsibilities and rights as members of families and communities, as well as an ability to relate to and work with others.

  • Emotional

The way in which a child creates emotional connections and develops self-confidence. Emotional connections develop when children relate to other people and share feelings.

  • Language

The way in which a child communicates, including how they present their feelings and emotions, both to other people and to themselves. At 3 months, children employ different cries for different needs. At 6 months they can recognize and imitate the basic sounds of spoken language. In the first 3 years, children need to be exposed to communication with others in order to pick up language. “Normal” language development is measured by the rate of vocabulary acquisition.

  • Cognitive Skills

The way in which a child organizes information. Cognitive skills include problem solving, creativity, imagination and memory. They embody the way in which children make sense of the world. Piaget believed that children exhibit prominent differences in their thought patterns as they move through the stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor period, the pre-operational period, and the operational period.

Also, Other Are:

  • Transition Time

Your child may take some time to get use to the new environment of our school.  Generally, children take several weeks to adjust.  They may possibly take longer if they attend fewer days.  Most times the children do well the first few days, then start missing their family by the third and fourth days. The following are typical reactions you may see:

  • Is shy and clings to you
  • Is aggressive and won’t share
  • Resists using the new bathroom – has accidents
  • Doesn’t talk much about their day at the center.
  • Family Concerns

Early Education Station personnel strive to provide quality, educational services to all children and families.  Any question, suggestion, or opinion is always welcome.  The Board of Directors also takes great pride in the facility and realizes the importance of the program.  Any opinions/concerns directed to them are welcomed.

Written suggestions are welcome.  They can be placed confidentially into the tuition/suggestion box.  Parents can speak directly to their child’s teacher or they can speak with the director or person in charge.

All persons on Early Education Station premises are recorded on a video computer system. Parents are welcome to view video at the office if they have a concern or question.  Video is available for one week after being recorded.

Families have the right to review state regulations and report complaints.

Early Education Station participates in the Child Nutrition Program.  In accordance with Federal Law and United States Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call, toll free, (866)632-9992. USDA is an equal opportunity employer.

  • Assessment

The focus for classroom planning is to provide a developmentally appropriate educational program for children. Assessment, with family input, guides teachers in planning/implementing activities, adjusting program/classroom practices and environment, and supporting individualized learning/interest/needs.

Assessment results can also be valuable to determine if other services could benefit a child/family because assessment helps describe the developmental progress and learning of children.

All children receive development screening within three months of program entry. The screening instruments meet professional standards for standardization, reliability, and validity, have normative scores available on a population relevant for the child being screened, and assess the child’s health status and their sensory, language, cognitive, gross-motor, fine-motor, and social-emotional development.

If formal assessments are use, they are combined with informal methods, such as observation, checklists, and work sampling. Written progress reports are to be completed 3 times a year (Nov., Feb., & May) and sent to parents with parent/teacher conferences being offered in the fall and spring of each year. Verbal progress is given at least once during the summer months.

Details About Early Education Station

Below is the important information about early education station that you need to know:

  • Early Education Station is now in a newly constructed facility that was created with the children’s needs in mind. Children are in classrooms with peers of same age to give those experiences appropriate for their level, and help them meet their developmental goals.
  • Early Education Station offers full time and part time enrollment to families who are interested in enhancing their child’s development in order to prepare them for school. Mason County Pre-K is offered in six classrooms at Early Education Station. These are public preschool programs that are free to parents.

Read Also: Problems of Early Childhood Education in Africa

  • Time Schedule:
Child Care Days: Monday through Friday (Year Round)
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m
Child Care Days Closed: One day for Independence Day*
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Two Days for Christmas*
One Day New Years*
Memorial Day
  • Philosophy

Early Education Station first and foremost focuses on providing a caring, loving environment in order to help children gain pro-social skills and a strong self-esteem. Equally important, they focus on brain development and emerging skills. They help children meet their full potential by offering developmentally appropriate educational experiences. They work along with families to make sure children have the opportunities they deserve.

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