How To Setup Financial Goals: 8 Money Saving Tips

It should  be part of  our daily life to setup financial goals,  setting a realistic financial goals is virtually the  key to achieving renewable financial success. However, knowing which goals to prioritize and how to reach them can be difficult. The reason may be that we’re bad at setting reasonable expectations.

Whether you decide on a money-related goal because of a life event, such as having a baby or buying a house, or just to improve your financial health, it’s important to consider your priorities and make sure your financial goals are specific and achievable.

We’ve mentioned some ways to setup financial goals that can help improve your financial health, as well as strategies you can use to help achieve these goals. Note that all of these goals may not  apply to your financial status at once, but achieving even one is a great start.

What is Financial Goal? 

Financial goal is the personal, big-picture objectives you set for how you’ll save and spend money. It can be a thing you hope to achieve in the short term or further down the road. Either way, it’s often easier to reach your goals if you identify them in advance. Examples of financial goals include:

Tips on How To Setup Financial Goals

Financial goals are the monetary targets you strive to hit, such as saving for a wedding or eliminating student loan debt. Here’s how to setup financial goals;

1. Build on your initial success

Once you’ve taken the above small steps, you can start to make more ambitious plans for the medium to long-term. This can involve bigger financial objectives, like paying down your mortgage faster, setting targets on your superannuation nest egg, or building a diverse investment portfolio.

But remember, if you have financial goals you want to achieve, you don’t need to go it alone. Have you thought about getting expert advice to get you up and running? The team at Bridges can help you take a structured approach to examining your lifestyle priorities and investment preferences.

2. Make savings simple

If you set a goal to save a big amount in a certain time period, there’s a chance you’ll fall short. Financial goals that are many months away can be harder to achieve, and if you have a month or two with unexpected expenses, you may have to pause your savings effort. That decision not to save might seem like a setback.

Instead, give yourself specific, smaller, short-term (or seasonal) goals. Maybe you want a new smartphone, would like to take a trip somewhere or have your eye on a holiday gift. Setting smaller, short-term goals can give you a psychological boost when you reach them. If a big-ticket item is the ultimate goal, consider setting certain benchmarks along the way so you can achieve this same effect while still taking longer to save.

3.  Track your spending

If the idea of setting and maintaining a budget sounds a bit overwhelming, you’re not alone. Just 41 percent of  adults establish and maintain a budget, according to a March 13, 2018 survey conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Rather than starting with creating an entire budget, you might choose to track your spending so you have a better sense of where your money is going each month.

If monitoring your spending by tracking monthly expenses and daily receipts seems difficult, technology can help. Apps, along with mobile and online banking, offer solutions for tracking your spending and identifying areas where you can make cuts.

4.  Don’t let yourself off the hook

Setting goals is important, but sticking to new behaviors is tough. To help hold yourself accountable, set an alert on your calendar to check in on your goals each month. If you’re struggling, try thinking of another way you might be able to reach your goal. You might start smaller and look for ways to increase your savings amount over time. With the right planning and purpose, you will be able to build lasting habits that guide positive changes in your financial life.

5.  Pay down debt

Owning money on credit cards, mortgages, vehicles and student loans is a reality many people contend with. While trying to pay off all of your debt is a reasonable idea, it is also a difficult goal to reach. Simplify your goals by breaking them down: Look at your debt and decide on a percentage you’d like to shrink it by. Resolving to eliminate 5, 7 or 10 percent of your debt gives you a more realistic way to approach reducing what you owe.

In addition, be savvy about the way you pay down debt. Not all debt is created equal, so determine the right approach to achieve your goals. For example, you likely want to pay down high-interest debt first and focus on other debt later.

6. Invest in yourself

Many people are struggling to save for retirement.  It is high time you  start saving for retirement as soon as possible, so your money has more time to potentially grow. Think of it as investing in your future self.

7. Be specific about your goals

First up, work out what will motivate you. Be specific – specific enough that you can visualize what you’re aiming for. Where do you want to live? Which of your debts will you tackle first? What does your ideal lifestyle look like? Which specific aspect of your finances do you want to understand and manage better?

Whether your answers to these questions are humble or huge, be clear about them, rather than getting caught in the trap of just making vague wishes like “having more money to do what I want”.

8.Try to build positivity with quick wins

Even if you’re aiming big, it often helps to start small. The important thing is to start somewhere. What are the things you can achieve relatively quickly to build momentum and confidence? It might be going hard on paying off your credit card balances, or starting to regularly put a modest amount into a savings account that’s earmarked purely for a future goal. Pick an achievable starting point, then go for it.

Tops: Think about your days at work. You have things you need to accomplish this week, and things you hope you can finish into the future. The same is true with financial goals. What kind of life do you want now? Later? That’s the job of your money to help you achieve.

One thing to remember is that “financial goals don’t have to be set in stone,” Winston says. “In fact, you’ll revise them throughout your life.”

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