The Spiritual Meaning of Prayer in Human Life

Analyzing the spiritual meaning of prayer in human life describes prayer as an act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy God, the gods, the transcendent realm, or supernatural powers. Spiritually, prayer expresses a human desire to enter into contact with the sacred or holy being.

Prayer is a significant and universal aspect of religion, whether of primitive peoples or of modern mystics, that expresses the broad range of religious feelings and attitudes that command human relations with the sacred or holy. Described by some scholars as religion’s primary mode of expression, prayer is said to be to religion what rational thought is to philosophy; it is the very expression of living religion.

Prayer distinguishes the phenomenon of religion from those phenomena that approach it or resemble it, such as religious and aesthetic feelings. Thus, prayer is described not only as meditation about God but as a step, a going out of one’s self, a pilgrimage of the spirit in the presence of God.

Types of prayer

The various types of prayer are enumerated here more on the basis of psychology than on history:


The role of the request in religion has played such a central part that by metonymy (using a word for another expected word) it has given its name to prayer. The requests that occur most often are for preservation of or return to health, the healing of the sick, long life, material goods, prosperity, or success in one’s undertakings.


The term confession expresses at the same time an affirmation of faith and a recognition of the state of sin. In Zoroastrianism, as in ancient Christianity, the confession of faith accompanies the renunciation of demons. In a similar fashion, the ancient and primitive recognized that their sins unleash the anger of the gods.


Intercessory prayers are also significant in Eastern and ancient religions. Prayers of intercession to the divine are supported by mediatory minor gods or human protectors (alive or dead), marabouts (dervishes, or mystics, believed to have special powers) in Islam, or saints in Christianity, whose mediation ensures that the prayer will be efficacious.

Praise and thanksgiving

Praise—in addition to concerns for the created world—plays an important role in the prayer of mystics, for whom it is a form of adoration. Praise in this instance constitutes an essential element of the mystic experience and celebrates God no longer for his works but for himself, his greatness, and his mystery.


Adoration is generally considered the most noble form of prayer, a kind of prostration of the whole being before God. The feeling of submissive reverence also is expressed by body movements: raising the hands, touching or kissing a sacred object, deep bowing of the body, kneeling with the right hand on the mouth, prostration, or touching the forehead to the ground.

Mystical Union or Ecstasy

Ecstasy is literally a departure from, a tearing away from, or a surpassing of human limitations and also a meeting with and embracing of the divine. It is a fusion of being with being in which the mystic experiences a union, characterized as a nuptial union: “God is in me and I am in him.”

The Spiritual Meaning of Prayer in Human Life

After coming to grips or preparing to get the grasp of the whole essence of prayer in human life, below are some of the spiritual meaning of prayer in human life every day, everywhere.

Power to Adapt and Cope

Prayer also plays an important role in helping people cope with difficult circumstances such as chronic illness and death. Prayer offers new meaning, purpose, hope, and a sense of guidance or control. These perceptions may help instill a fighting spirit, which has been reported to be an important factor in healing.


Prayer can enrich the quality of one’s life and also bring a feeling of peace and acceptance at the time of death. In addition, being part of a religious community can benefit patients by counteracting the social isolation that many sick people experience. Visits from friends or their spiritual leader are reminders that they are still part of a faith community and the larger human community.

Ease and Comfort Through Faith

A person’s faith has a strong influence over his or her sense of well-being, ability to fight disease, and desire to get well, according to many researchers. Prayer and other spiritual approaches can be particularly beneficial for people with stress-related disorders. Dr. Herbert Benson reports that meditative prayer can ease anxiety , mild depression , substance abuse, ulcers, pain, nausea , tension and migraine headaches, infertility, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), insomnia , and high blood pressure.

Read Also: List of Prayers for New Week and Their Benefits

God’s Peace

Prayer is important because it positions us to receive God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. In life’s hardest moments (and even in the good times), prayer helps me stay focused on what’s close to God’s heart!

Paul writes in Philippians 4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing can involve a person praying alone by themselves for healing, one person praying for the healing of another person, or a group of persons praying for an ill person. It can involve formal ritual and the administration of the sacraments. Many Roman Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran congregations in the United States hold special Eucharists for healing; people can come for their own healing or in behalf of someone else.

Others Spiritual Meaning of Prayer in Our Lives Are:

  • Prayer can help us focus on what is important.
  • Prayer can help us to stay hopeful in dark times.
  • Prayer can help us feel connected to God on a deeper level.
  • Prayer can help us deal with difficult emotions and situations.
  • Prayer can help us find comfort and peace.
  • Prayer can help us develop a stronger relationship with God.
  • Prayer can help us become more compassionate people.
  • Prayer can give us strength during difficult times.
  • Prayer can help keep our minds and thoughts clear.
  • Prayer is a way of communicating with Jesus and asking for guidance and support in our lives.

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