List of the Best High Schools Rankings

The list of the best high schools rankings is dependent on some parameters; many of these include data on a variety of factors, such as enrollment, student diversity, participation in free and reduced-price lunch programs, graduation rates and the results of state assessments.

These measures are what are usually looked out for when it comes to the choice of which schools should be ranked as the best in their various locations.

Institutions in all 50 states and the District of Columbia are included in the Best High Schools rankings. Schools are ranked nationally and within each state. Schools compare with those in the same state, using measures like standardized test scores to assess math, science and reading proficiency.

Factors Considered to Measure Schools for Ranking

  • College Readiness
  • Reading
  • Math proficiency
  • Student Performance
  • College Curriculum Breadth
  • Graduation Rates

College readiness specifically measures participation and performance on Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams, and underserved student performance focuses on students who are Black, Hispanic, or from low-income households. For the first time, science proficiency and performance was also incorporated into the methodology for states where science assessment data was available.

List of the Best High Schools Rankings

What is said is simple. The list of the best high schools rankings is best picked according to academic records of their students as the major above all other parameters. The top-ranked schools have a high rate of students who scored above expectations in math, science and reading state assessments, passed an array of college-level exams, and graduated in four years.

Pre-Covid-19 Results

When it comes to the best public high school in the country, a newcomer from North Carolina has broken through the ranks, according to a new study.

  1. North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Raleigh
  2. Payton College Preparatory High School, Chicago
  3. Northside College Preparatory High School, Chicago
  4. MA Academy for Math & Science School
  5. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Chicago
  6. High Technology High School, New York
  7. The Davidson Academy
  8. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, Washington
  9. Maggie Walker Governor’s School, Richmond
  10. Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, Chicago

Read Also: All You Need to Know About Vista High School

Post-Covid-19 Implications

Education is top of mind for many parents worried that their children have to catch up after two years of remote learning, social isolation and various pandemic-related traumas like the loss of a loved one.

In 2023, many school districts will be juggling staff shortages as well as the ongoing presence of COVID-19, which continues to spread via highly transmissible subvariants of omicron.

While some districts are bolstering staffing numbers and installing new ventilation systems to minimize disruptions, the Associated Press reported that many others were sticking with same approach they had last year.

  1. Adlai E. Stevenson High School District No. 125, Chicago
  2. Great Neck Public Schools, New York
  3. Syosset Central School District, New York
  4. Palo Alto Unified School District, San Francisco
  5. New Trier Township High School District No. 203, Chicago
  6. Glenbrook High Schools District 225, Chicago
  7. Jericho Union Free School District, New York
  8. Roslyn Union Free School District, New York
  9. Eanes Independent School District, Austin Area
  10. West Lafayette Community School Corporation, Lafayette

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