Top 3 Military Forces In Nigeria and Salary Structure

Military Forces In Nigeria and their  Salary Structure – There are three major military forces in Nigeria. They are; the Navy, the Army and the Air force. These armed forces took off officially after the country was granted independence in the year 1960.

The three arms of the Nigerian military joined forces in mass to overcome the Biafran Army. Since then, they have been engaged only in peacekeeping during insurgency within and outside the country.

They fought the Niger-Delta militants, Boko haram insurgents and lately, the Fulani herdsmen. The Nigerian military have also been sent to other UN and ECOWAS nations for peace keeping such as the ECOMOG. The top three Military Forces in Nigeria and their Salary Structure are highlighted below;

Top Military Forces In Nigeria 

The top Military Forces In Nigeria are composed of three services; Army, Navy and Air Force.

Each of the three services has a Service Chief and the Office of Chief of Defence Staff coordinates the joint activities.

There three major armed forces in the Nigeria military are:

1. Nigerian Air Force (NAF)

The Nigerian Air Force is the highest paid force in Nigeria among other armed forces in the country. Established in the year 1964, they have grown to be one of the most respected military organizations in Africa.

Every year, recruitment is done into the NAF via its short service program (DSSC and SSC) for University graduates and non graduates in a bid to increase man power and train officers to be combat ready in fighting skills and defence strategies.

We know that the Nigerian Air Force has fighter aircrafts, transport, helicopter, and high military grade guns and weapons in its arsenal.

Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Salary Structure

See table showing information on salary structure of the Nigerian Air Force officers from lowest rank to the highest rank below.

Air Force Ranks Salary per month
Trainee ₦10, 237
Aircraftman woman ₦53, 892
Lance Corporal ₦55, 832
Corporal ₦58, 634
Sergeant ₦69, 261
Flight Sergeant ₦87, 119
Warrant Officer ₦101, 974
Master Warrant Officer ₦165, 697
Cadet (Trainee) ₦44, 564
Air Warrant Officer ₦171, 793
Pilot Officer ₦187, 159
Flying Officer ₦218, 400
Flight Lieutenant ₦232, 484
Squadron Leader ₦248, 004
Wing Commander ₦342, 586
Group Captain ₦352, 631
Air Commodore ₦677, 895
Air Vice-Marshal ₦1,376,343
Air Marshal ₦1,486,451
Air Chief Marshal ₦1,724,283

2. Nigerian Navy (NN)

The Nigerian Navy (NN) is the branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces operating on sea. Their primary duty is to protect the Nigerian sea borders against invaders.

The Naval command structure today operates from Naval Headquarters in Abuja with three operational commands in Lagos, Calabar, and Bayelsa respectively. NAVTRAC which is the training command headquarters is located in Lagos state at Marine beach.

With various ships, fleets and military grade weapons at its disposal, the Nigerian Navy has been ranked as one of the best and strongest navies in Africa having its training facilities and five operational bases in Lagos and Port Harcourt.

Nigerian Navy (NN) Salary Structure 

Below is a table showing the Nigerian Navy ranks and their yearly salary.

Navy Ranks Salary per annum
Admiral N16,303,140
Vice-Admiral ₦13,363,229
Rear Admiral ₦12,038,945
Commodore ₦7,385,856
Captain N3,715,859
Commander ₦3,380,086

There are twelve ranks for senior officers but the following ranks below, we couldn’t find figures for their salary structure:

  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Sub-Lieutenant
  • Acting Sub-Lieutenant
  • Mid-Shipman
  • Warrant Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer
  • Leading Rating
  • Able Rating
  • Ordinary Rating
  • Trainee.

3. Nigerian Army (NA)

The Nigerian Army is seen as the largest military branch among the armed forces. They are mostly land forces, protecting the sovereignty, boundaries and territory of Nigeria against external forces that might try to invade the land.

The major formations of the Nigerian Army include: the 1st Division, 2nd Division, 3rd Armoured Division, 81st Division, 82nd Division, and 7th Division which was just recently formed. They are ranked 5th best in Africa in terms of strength and fire power.

Nigerian Army (NA) Salary Structure 

Below is a table showing the Nigerian Army ranks and their monthly salary

Ranks Salary Per Month
Private Soldier ₦49, 000
Lance Corporal ₦55, 000
Corporal ₦58, 000
Sergeant ₦63, 000
Staff Sergeant ₦68, 000
Warrant Officer ₦80, 000
Master Warrant Officer ₦90, 000
Second Lieutenant ₦120,000
Lieutenant ₦180,000
Captain ₦220,000
Major ₦300,000
Lieutenant Colonel ₦350,000
Colonel ₦550,000
Brigadier General  ₦750,000
Major General ₦950,000
Lieutenant General ₦1,000,000
General ₦1,500,000

How Many Fighter Jets  Does Nigeria Have?

Nigerian Airforce has one of the largest jet in Africa, consisting of about 15,000 personnel and aircraft including 8 Chinese Chengdu F-7s, 13 Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jets, 3 on order JF-17 Thunders Block II, Helicopter gunships, armed attack drones and military transport aircraft.

Highest Paid Military  in Nigeria

Most people want to know the highest paid military in Nigeria. Although, the armed forces is a special unit in the country which comprises of the Nigerian army, air force and Navy, the question has always been whose pays highest among them?

The Nigerian Air Force is the highest paid force in Nigeria among other armed forces in the country. Established in the year 1964, they have grown to be one of the most respected military organizations in Africa.


  1. Emmanuel Doghor
  2. Emmanuel Monday Phillip

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